Saturday, December 5, 2009

Gift Ideas/Planning

I've been sewing gifts all morning. I usually start thinking about Christmas gifts during the summer. I look through books, magazines, my own notebooks to get ideas. Sometimes its something someone says that will spark an idea. I try to concentrate on one or two ideas for all the adults and then something different for the kids. It is easier to do production style that way. If I'm making a bowl, it is easy to keep going and make 6. Of course I can't say what this year's gifts are, in case my family is reading this!

Past ideas include:

Adults-scarves, hats, bowls, quilts, purses, pillow cases, dinner in a jar, frozen meatballs, etc.

Kids-scarves, hats, name pillows, zipper purses, fleece ponchos, beanbags, doll clothes, vest & skirt, finish your own doll kit, etc.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing insights on past Christmas gift projects. All sound delightful. I'm now anxious to see what you do this year. I definitely need to adopt your approach of starting earlier. I'm way behind, but trying to catch up quickly.



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