Saturday, August 7, 2010

Pets on Quilts Show

This is my entry for 's Pets on Quilts Show!
Stripe, my son's rat likes hanging out on this scrappy yo-yo quilt.  I sewed it years ago.  Partly by hand, partly by machine- I couldn't seem to decide!
Here are Cloud and Stripe sharing secrets.
Stripe, up close on quilt I made inspired by a sunset. Those are applique clouds.
Not to be outdone by rats- Alice is posing on her favorite quilt.  It actually has calico cat fabric in it too!  I sewed this one using the instruction booklet in my shop


  1. sister had a pet rat when she was younger. I imagine they would love the yo yos.

  2. Cute little rats!!! How does Alice like sharing her home with them??

    Your quilts are beautiful!


  3. Very cute. The obvious question....Does Alice want to catch the rats? They are all so cute. I bet there isn't another rat on a quilt in this show. Very cute. Four legged children and beautiful quilts. Thanks for sharing.


  4. How does Alice get along with Stripe and Cloud? We used to have rats, they make great pets.

  5. Well, I don't think we'll see too many 'quilt rats' in the show! Cute! Lovely quilts and Alice is beautiful.

  6. Oh the rats and kitty get along?

    LuAnn in Oregon

  7. All those yo-yos and Cloud and Stripe are trying to share the same ones! Beautiful quilts. I love Alice giving us the "No Rat Zone" look. Good luck!
    nsue21702 at gmail dot com

  8. Alice is certainly posing for the camera. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Thank you for all the comments! Alice tolerates the rats, but she doesn't chase them.

  10. Rats and cats on quilts! Cute! I had a couple of hooded rats when I was a kid -- they make great pets.

  11. I had a rat when I was a kid! I bet there's not very many other people submitting pics of pet rats.

  12. My daughter had a pet rat that was her 5th grade science project. I really loved that little guy. We called him Little Howard. Alice is gorgeous.

  13. I can not believe you have a rat and cat living in the same house, I would think the cat would use the rat as a toy.

  14. Love your yoyo quilt! Those rats are cute. Does Alice get along with them? I know my cats would love a couple of pet rats!

  15. Ohhhhh I love making yoyos - they are so addicting - looks like the little rats love them too!!

  16. Oh I just love your rats! They are adorable! I had rats when I was young. Our last was a mouse (not rat) named Saturn. That's a lot of yo-yo.

  17. Those rats are inquisitive aren't they? Love your yo-yos!

  18. I think this is the only rat I've seen. He is cute and your kitty is adorable.

  19. Stripe is so cute and I love your yo-yo quilt.

  20. I have to confess, I love pet rats! They are so affectionate. My friend had one, and it loved to curl up in your sleeve. Do yours do that?

    I love your yo yo scrappy quilt too! It looks like a lot of fun.
    Was is hard to get your beautiful cats to live with the rats?

  21. Thank you for all the comments! My cats and rats mostly leave each other alone. One pair we had did like to play tag together though!

  22. Its a great pleasure reading your post.Its full of information I am looking for and I love to post a comment that "The content of your post is awesome" Great work.caring for pets


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