The quilt that nudged me into my current style of quilting. It is not fancy or even carefully sewn, but it is an honest, hard working quilt that has withstood 10 years of daily use and frequent machine washing. I didn't sew it. My husband won it as a door prize at a conference. I have no idea who made it, but I would love to be able to tell that person thank you for their time and effort. My first baby and I would lounge on it. Then my second baby joined us. It is the perfect size for picnics, inside and out. My kids use it for snack time everyday. I spread it outside to fold clean laundry on. We cuddle under it on cold nights and build forts with it. I have patched it many times. The colors are faded and the binding needs replacing again, but it holds so many memories! I know it doesn't look special now, but it got me thinking. This person wasn't an expert, yet they made a truly wonderful quilt. Inspired, I played with the design and came up with a style that I have sewn at least 15 times. I made an instruction booklet-#309 Flip Quilt that is available at I hope my quilts will be as treasured and loved as this one. So here's to imperfection and trying something new! I hope you will. And thank you to the quilter who inspired me.

This is one of mine.
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